Tuesday, August 19, 2014

This Is Different

Today I caught a comment while flipping through radio

stations at a stop light.
I thought the comment was completely random, but it stuck with me.  Then I realized that Jesus placed it there for me to hear and take a step back.

My life today is completely different than my life just a short year ago.  I never asked for this turn in my life, actually no one would, but during this turn, I have had time to do those things I never seemed to have time for in years past.  

See, I have always been the one to give out scriptures.  Send the encouraging word.  Be the “lifter-upper”  When my situation changed, people sent me the same scriptures, the encouraging wood, lifted me up.  But for some reason, it didn’t stick.  I would think, “oh, that is so sweet of them.”  However, I didn’t take it and own it.

Back to the comment I heard today.  The man on the radio said 

“How is it that your life and
your situation is so different that
the promises of God don’t apply?”

WOW! Let that sink in.  How is it, that your life is SO different, the situation that you are currently in, is SO unlike others, that your bank account, your mortgage, your rent, your debt, your job, your family, your health…your “Fill In The Blank” is completely unheard of, absolutely unique, and simply does not compare with anything else in the history of time, that the PROMISES of GOD does not, AT ALL, apply to you? 

The answer is, it isn’t.  


Ecclesiastes 1:9 tells us that there is nothing new under the sun.
Nope, not one thing that is new.  

nothing new here

Kids have been turning their backs on parents, parents turning their backs on kids for all time.  People hating each other, wars, violence, breaking all kinds of laws.  The news today is just an new century reading of a history book.

Every single promise in the Bible is TRUE.
Every single promise.
Not a dud in the bunch!

Look at your life.
What is it that the Bible doesn’t apply to?
Got anything?
Me either.
You know what? I think we’re good.  

Thursday, August 14, 2014

A Letter To My Mother

Dear Mom,
Well, you are right. About a lot of things.
After 40, I did get braver. After 45, I really got brave. The world did not end if I opted to play with my babies instead of doing the dishes right after dinner. Oh, and you were right about being firm with them. They still love me and brag on how I was tough, but they learned a lesson.
The thing you said about having a dream and following it, well I’m still working on that, but you were right, there was still time – and is still time. Remember when you told me to stick to my guns and I would respect myself later. You guessed it – right once again.
Honestly Mom, if you were here it would be “Winner,Winner; Chicken Dinner” and “Give the lady a cigar” because you were on the money with so many things.
As a little girl you taught me, “If you aren’t pretty on the inside, then you aren’t pretty on the outside” I didn’t clearly understand that until now. Actions really do speak louder than words. Neatness in appearance does count.
OH, and that night I got home past curfew (to be fair it was only 15 minutes) and you told me I wouldn’t understand until I was a mother – I got it now.
Watching my children be adults in this crazy world and seeing them do things that are good, right, fair and responsible…wow my heart really does swell and I really do feel it pull like an invisible cord is still tied to them.
Most of all Mom…most of all…I wish you were here so I could once again see your face and say,“Momma, how did you get so smart?” And then your mouth would give that sideways grin and your green eyes would sparkle and you would laugh with your whole body.
Someday Mom, you’ll tell me…until “someday” gets here, I’ll just keep on keeping track. 
Mom: 5,789,432 Susan: 10 
(I wonder if I can round up?)